March 27, 2007 - Cabanas
Life is so very good. We enjoyed five wonderful days in Sagres. Thursday turned out to be my best day of surfing. I rode the waves for 5 hours without stop under a clear blue sky in crystal clear water with long smooth waves. Saying goodbye to Rafeal, my surf instructor and his family on Friday afternoon after a morning of surfing felt like leaving old friends behind. The week of surf was incredible. I hope we will get back there someday.
From Sagres we traveled two hours east to a small fishing/tourism village called “Cabanas” which is also on the coast of Portugal where we met Duarte’s parents and some other family members. We enjoyed three very luxurious days there. The place where we stayed was amazing. Compared to the modest apartment we rented in Sagres for $22 dollars per night – we were living large. We had a beautiful suite situated on the ocean, complete with two bathrooms, a kitchen, and dining room. The resort included a heated swimming pool, a sauna, a hot tub, exercise equipment and more. Though such a place doesn’t typically fit our lifestyle or our budget, I must admit the plush way of living was pretty nice. The funny thing is that I have been there once before…it’s amazing to mark time as I remember my first visit there. Duarte and I were just beginning to get a bit more serious with our relationship. We were living in Clemson, SC and Duarte invited me to spend two weeks in Portugal. Not really sure where the relationship was going at that time, I was reluctant, but eventually agreed. After arriving to Lisbon from the United States, Duarte and I drove south to Cabanas. (His aunt and uncle have a timeshare there.) It seemed that we were so young and yet that was only 7 years ago. I was so impressed with this incredible place and all that we enjoyed during my first visit to this beautiful country. His “wooing” certainly was successful. The second visit was notably different with two kids running around the very same place where are relationship was just taking off.
The allure to Cabanas is really just sunshine and ocean. Two streets lined with small restaurants and a few shops are all there is to this little town. The fishing must be really good as there are lots of small wooden, hand painted boats that are tethered to the beach ready to go out early in the morning with their weathered owners for their daily catches. The fresh shrimp, crab and fish would be sold to local restaurants. Our meals in Cabanas were some of the best seafood meals I have ever eaten.
Running in Cabanas was wonderful as I found a dusty, unpaved road just past the main streets of Cabanas. The run could not have been more colorful had I been running in a fruit market. I passed peach trees, orange trees, lemon trees, fig trees, almond trees, olive trees, cactus’, and flowers of every color imaginable. The air smelled of orange blossoms and the road rambled along with nothing but beauty for miles and miles.
This trip had us living out of suitcases for 10 days. The kids are comfortable with our vagabond lifestyle. No longer did Jenna wake up wondering where she was at night. She was accepting of each new day and the different opportunities that she would be able to enjoy. Marcos loved it and finally became comfortable with change. I appreciate the time we have to explore the many treasures Portugal has to offer. With two and a half months remaining, I feel the urgency to grasp firmly to each incredible experience. There is so much more to see, do, feel… Viva Portugal!
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